The Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors operates a full-time office in Helena and a full-time legal office at Montana State Hospital.
Helena Staff
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 200804, Helena, MT 59620-0804
- Manage and administer the Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors activities
- Advocate for the rights of persons with developmental disabilities at Montana Developmental Center
- Advocate for the rights of persons with mental illnesses receiving services from mental health facilities
- Respond to consumer requests for assistance
- Investigate allegations of consumer abuse and neglect
- Participate in public mental health and developmental disability service system stakeholder activities
Interim Director - Craig Fitch
Montana State Hospital Staff
P.O. Box 177, Warm Springs, MT 59756-0177
- Provide legal representation for patients in involuntary commitment proceedings
- Represent patients' interests in grievances, involuntary medication reviews, and forensic reviews
- Ensure that patients' legal rights are protected
Craig Fitch - Attorney 406-693-7037
- Craig has been with the Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors since October 15, 2002 and has:
- 17 years experience working in the mental health field as an attorney for Montana State Hospital patients
- Peace Corps volunteer in the Philippines from 1994 - 1997
- 2001 graduate of the University of Montana School of Law
Vera Good - Paralegal Assistant / Advocate 406-693-7035
- Vera has advocated for patients at Montana State Hospital since 2017, and has:
- a background in small business and journalism, and previously worked for The Montana Standard and other news publications as a graphic designer, reporter and photographer. She is also a freelance writer.